It's hard being a job seeker. No doubt! However, it's even harder around Christmas. Besides the fact that you're searching for work, you're also busy juggling buying a multitude of presents and parties you feel obliged to attend. In the hectic days and weeks surrounding Christmas, it can be very tempting to take a break from your job search until the New Year, but don't d...
Why you shouldn’t stop your job hunt over the holiday season
大约 3 年之前 -
Monroe China host workshop attracting graduates to the recruitment industry
超过 3 年之前Executive recruitment agency, Monroe Consulting Group China hosted their annual professional workshop on 20th November at their Shanghai office. The workshop was aimed at attracting ambitious fresh university graduates to the world of executive recruitment.This is not the first time Monroe China hosted their workshop. However, due to the success and positive feedback rece...
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How a recruitment agency can help in a “candidate short” market
超过 3 年之前Our experience has taught us that companies are only as good as their people. There is no question that in an ideal world, job vacancies would be filled by individuals whose skills and experience provide a perfect match to the requirement of the role. Instead, companies have focused on recruiting ‘best fit’ candidates, and the labour market has for many years provided the r...
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What does a ’’candidate short’’ market mean for job seekers?
超过 3 年之前The term "candidate short" market refers to a point in time where there are fewer job seekers than there are available positions. But what does this mean for you? The beauty of a candidate short market is that you’ll most likely be competing against fewer applicants for any given role. It would be best if you still did everything in your power to impress, but in a smaller ...
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What does a "candidate short" market mean for employers?
超过 3 年之前Most businesses don't enjoy recruiting; it's often viewed as time-consuming, stressful, and overwhelming. In most cases, if a company is hiring, it's because someone has left, leaving a position vacant. There is now the challenge of finding the perfect candidate for the job and filling the predecessor’s shoes- an impossible task at times!It's hard enough to recruit at any ti...
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Benefits of recruiting before Christmas
超过 3 年之前2021 is coming to an end, Christmas shoppers’ mass hysteria of last-minute bargains, jobseekers have finished perfecting their CV’s ahead of a relaxing holiday season, and employers brace themselves for the mad hiring spree that the new year will bring…Many employers strategically plan out their hiring schedules and choose January to begin this process with gusto and renewe...
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How to get back on track if your mind goes blank during a job interview
超过 3 年之前You've prepared for the interview, you've rehearsed several common questions, and you have some clear examples in mind to share with the interviewer. However, most of us don't prepare for what to do if we can't think of an answer at the moment. It's not that uncommon for our minds to go completely blank; it can be caused by stress at that moment. The best thing to do is no...
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6 signs that your interview went well
超过 3 年之前Going to a job interview, both physical and virtual, can be an exciting but stressful experience. Even though you prepared thoroughly by researching the company and preparing intelligent answers for tough questions, it’s still hard to know whether it went well or not.After an interview, there can be a feeling of relief; however, the most challenging part comes afterward. W...
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Investment in the Great Reshuffle: finding opportunities in a time of disruptions
超过 3 年之前Monroe Consulting Group Indonesia and TMF Group conducted another successful webinar - “Investment in the Great Reshuffle” on Wednesday, October 13, 2021. The webinar featured guest speaker Alvin Christian, the Managing Director of TMF Group and James Palin, the Managing Director of Monroe Consulting Group Indonesia. The webinar discussed how businesses should face the ongo...
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How to successfully manage and engage a Hybrid Team long-term
超过 3 年之前There is no doubt that the COVID pandemic has changed the way we work forever. Many businesses almost overnight needed to shift to remote working. But as restrictions ease and employees are encouraged to return to the office, many are opting for hybrid working arrangements. This raises new challenges for leaders regarding how to engage and manage a hybrid team.In previous ...
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Wellbeing in the Workplace
超过 3 年之前 byOctober 10th is World Mental Health Day. The objective of observing World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness for mental health around the world. The theme set forth by the World Health Organization this year is “mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality”.Over the past 18 months, the mental health of individuals around the world has been impacted massively. The...
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Looking to advance your career? We’ve got the answers for you!
超过 3 年之前 byThe workplace looks different than ever before, and so ways in which you can advance your career have drastically changed over the past year. What worked well in the past, may not work so well today. All those who embrace this disruption and use it to their advantage, will in no doubt get ahead in today’s market.Whether you are looking for a new job or looking to advance at...
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What to offer, besides money, to motivate your employees
超过 3 年之前 byAs we know, the workplace has undergone a significant transformation. After over a year and a half of remote work, we are starting to learn more about what will come next for the workforce. While some companies plan to remain remote for the time being, other companies have decided to go back full time, and some have even decided to permanently switch their workforce to enti...
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Are counter offers worth it?
超过 3 年之前After months of thinking about your career, you finally decided to leave your job and look for a new opportunity. You took the time out of your busy work schedule to apply to many job vacancies and going through nerve-wracking interviews. Finally, you receive an offer for a position you have worked hard to secure. Plucking up your courage, you determinedly hand in your resi...
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Having second thoughts about your new job Here’s what to do!
超过 3 年之前Getting a new job is usually one of the most exciting moments in life, whether you are making progression in your career or just starting out in a new industry. However, on occasion, the day-to-day of new jobs can turn out to be quite different than what you expected.There’s lots of reasons that people enjoy their jobs, be it financial rewards, exciting opportunities, or co...
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How to attract and retain top talents
超过 3 年之前It’s no secret that hiring and retaining the right talent is critical to an organization’s success. After all, an organization is only as strong as its collective talent. In fact, studies have shown that high performers are 400% more productive than average ones.When you attract leaders in the field, your business or organisation builds a reputation of value. In turn, you f...
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Essential questions your CV should answer
超过 3 年之前Recruiters and hiring managers see hundreds of applications for each role they have open. How do you ensure that your CV catches their attention? Your CV should be considered as a personal marketing pitch to sell yourself to potentials employers, so it is important for it to stand out. Below are three of the most important questions we suggest answering in your CV when appl...
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Kickstart employee productivity now with our top tips!
超过 3 年之前Employee productivity is a deceivingly simple idea. The term itself refers to the amount of work a person produces within a set time. Increasing productivity of employees is always on the minds of business owners and managers, but many struggles with the steps to take.When you’re facing a lull in productivity, it can be hard kickstart your business into to a thriving and en...
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Monroe Thailand and PTTEP Services Limited provided a webinar workshop on recruitment skills
超过 3 年之前On the 22nd and 23rd of July, Monroe Thailand collaborated with PTTEP Services Limited, a national petroleum exploration and production company based in Thailand, to conduct a 2-day webinar workshop for PTTEP’s HR team.Saranpitpak Lekanantavasu, Head of Recruitment and Employment at PTTEP Services Limited contacted Pattira Kulpreeda, Division Head at Monroe Consulting Group...
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Skills and competencies that have emerged since the pandemic
超过 3 年之前The workplace and job market have evolved rapidly over the past year due to the pandemic. Of course, the job market is always evolving, but the pandemic has caused it to change more quickly than before. While on the hunt for a job in this new landscape, you are bound to come across the words “skills” and “competencies”. While they may seem interchangeable, believe it or not...