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Respected Charity Says Monroe Consulting Group Thailand Donation ‘News of Decade'

  • Publish Date: Posted about 9 years ago

A respected children’s charity has thanked Monroe Consulting Group Thailand for its financial support, labelling the recruitment company’s provision of a new pick-up truck and ongoing funding as “the best news of the decade.”

Professional entertainer Eddie Haworth, who founded and operates the Gift of Happiness Foundation in Thailand, said he was overwhelmed by the Monroe’s generosity, saying the recruitment company was “really serious about spreading happiness” to disadvantaged children.

“’Thank You’ doesn't come near to the genuine expressions of appreciation that [myself], the Board of Trustees and all the volunteers at Gift of Happiness wish to offer Monroe Consulting Group,” Eddie said.

“Our small but very effective charity has just taken delivery of a much-needed, brand-new truck that's been fully sponsored by Monroe Consulting Group, Thailand,” he said. “And, not only have they given this essential vehicle to ensure we can continue to deliver the goods to thousands of children in need every month, they have also committed to a monthly donation of cash to make sure we can afford to maximise the use of our lovely new truck.”

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Monroe Consulting Group Thailand is a leading provider of senior human resource capital, specialising in servicing clients' needs in the Professional, Technology, Industrial, Health and Consumer Goods Sectors in emerging markets throughout Southeast Asia, as well as China, Chile and Mexico. The recruitment company recently won ‘Best Small Recruitment Business’ for the third year in a row at the prestigious international Global Recruiter Industry Awards 2014, and Best Overseas Operation, an award it has now won twice.