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Proving your value at work without burning out

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 3 years ago

Many people feel compelled to prove their worth at work, and to show why they're an essential part of the team. If you don't handle this situation correctly, you can quickly become overwhelmed, overworked, and burned out.

Here are helpful tips for demonstrating your value at work, and how to avoid burnout in the process:

  • Show your personal commitment

Once you understand what your business’ current and future direction is, ask yourself how you can apply your unique skills, talents, and competencies to help your organisation succeed. Consider how you can then further enhance those strengths, skills, and competencies through continued education, aiming to establish yourself as a leading expert in your field.

  • Find ways to solve problems by being proactive

Take the initiative and participate in a project that catches your attention if you have some free time. Employers value proactive and positive individuals who are willing to work hard. Don't wait for someone to ask you to contribute; speak up and let them know you're available.

Additionally, be on the lookout for any pain points that your manager, team or department may be facing. Can you come up with solutions for those pain points?

You can use these scenarios to show your value, even if they are outside the scope of your job description. This approach will enable you to become the go-to person for other challenges when they occur, and it will also give you the opportunity to try something new and expand your skills, which can be very useful for future job openings.

  • Establish and consolidate relationships with key influencers

Consider who has previously helped your career development, and who might in the future. Ask them to be your mentor or for advice on how the organisation may change in the future, and how you might adapt. In return, take the opportunity to help them whenever you can, thank them and credit them for any help they give.

  •   Maintain a positive attitude and be optimistic

You can thrive in challenging times if you maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. Positive energy is contagious not just within a team, but also throughout an organisation. Make sure you are mindful of how you are expressing yourself, and keep compassion towards your colleagues, including celebrating their success and supporting them along the way.

You may also benefit from remembering the purpose and motivation behind your organisation. You can then be clear in your mind about how your particular role contributes to your sense of purpose and delivers value, which will reinvigorate those positive thoughts.

  • Prioritise your wellbeing

Many overachievers neglect their own well-being in favour of corporate success. Especially when flexible work hours or remote working are offered, employees will work longer than they should. The problem is that working such long hours all the time can lead to stress and burnout. A good strategy for minimizing stress is to set and adhere to boundaries, such as blocking out time in your calendar each week for one task, or not scheduling meetings at lunchtime.

You'll also need to learn how to say 'no' to certain projects, which could be intimidating at first. If your manager asks you to get involved where you don’t have time, ask which project you should put on hold while the new one takes its place. Consider having an open conversation with them about how you feel and how they can best help.

By following the above advice, you’ll be well on your way to demonstrating the unique value you can provide in your professional life without disregarding your wellbeing. For more advice and tips, reach out to one of our friendly team today.